At Quality Fur Dressing, quality is not just a buzzword or vague concept – it is a data-driven process built into every step of our operations. From pre-processing to tanning to delivery, we utilize key metrics and procedures to ensure […]
Dry Tan
Gain A Competitive Advantage with Our 120-Day RUSH Dry Tan Service
For taxidermists, the busy fall hunting season means an influx of customers needing trophy mounts completed quickly. Long turnaround times of 8-12 months can lead to lost business. That’s why Quality Fur Dressing now offers a 120-Day RUSH Dry Tan […]
The Leader in Dry Tanning
As the leader in fur dressing, there is no doubt that Quality Fur Dressing has the secret when it comes to a quality dry tan. Any experienced taxidermist would tell you that all fur dressing companies are not created […]
Wet Tan or Dry Tan?
Which is Best? I’m often asked this question by taxidermists: should I wet tan or dry tan my skins? In some instances, the answers are quite obvious and self-explanatory. In other instances, they aren’t. For example, all flat hides and […]
Proper Neutralization is Key to Shelf Life
Just like everything else in life, all tanneries are not created equal. Some of them will tan every species on earth, and produce a product with great stretch, clean hair, proper shaving, the best chemicals, easy rehydration and great shelf […]